Tuesday, 9 January 2018

applied modelling feedback evaluation

common themes - need to add more detail, people like the tracks.
i need to optomise the model a lot more and redistribute details round the tank more, i would also like to add more vents, hooks and jerry cans to the model but i ran out of time so instead i focused on getting the model unwrapped and textured and uploaded to sketchfab before the deadline, overall i spent too little time on this due to work wanting me in 5 days a week over christmas, i will have the rest of this term to improve the look of my model and develop my skills, im hoping to learn substance painter to really take my texturing to the next level.

the above issues arose due to the short amount of time i put into it, i also had some issues with sculptris refusing to work so i couldn't easily touch up my maps. learning substance painter will resolve this. the unwrap was pretty poor, i had mistakenly not made the track links references and this wasted a lot of uv space as i had to just quickly flatten unwrap them to save time. if i had more time i would have remade them so that they took about 100th of the space they currently do, allowing other parts of the model to have more uv space and have more detail on things like the main chassis and wheels.

my workflow was create a high poly model, create a low poly version, get the normal and AO maps in xnormal and then creating the albedo metallic, roughness and alpha maps in photoshop.

q1 did it look like the tank in the picture?
mostly yes, a good start

q2 can you see any immediate issues with it?
mostly no but lets face it its dans answer that matters and he said i need to redistribute polygons away from the tracks and onto the rest of the tank.

q3 how would you improve it?
basically make it smoother, add more details and improve the texturing

q4 heres a clear view from the top should i add some more of the stuff on top to the model given the fact im at around 15800 polys anyway?

same response as question 3, free up polys, add more detail

q5 do tracks have too much detail?

yes see q3 and q4

q6 hows my albedo map?
half say it looks fine, i know its rubbish ive gotta fix it.

q7 how were my UVs?

some say fine some say bad, i know its bad as it was rushed. these will be fixed.

q8 anything else?

smoothing groups and stuff ive previously mentioned.

applied modelling feedback

does it look like this?10 responses

A tankDan - yes overall it d…From the reference t…It's hard to say due to…Joe Hayes- Yeah fro…Model wise yes, textu…Yes, from the front. I…Yes, it looks similaryes0.
A tank1
Dan - yes overall it does look quite like the tank1
From the reference that you provided yes it does.1
It's hard to say due to the angle of the picture but from what i can see the model looks similar to the image.1
Joe Hayes- Yeah from the obscure angle?1
Model wise yes, texture wise no.1
Yes, from the front. I cant see anymore of the tank in the image.1
Yes, it looks similar1
can you see any problems with it?10 responses
you don't have to use all tris on the top of the hatch, it can be converted to quads.
Not obviously
Not from the model.
There seems to be lacking details that's in the original.
The pushy bit at the bottom seems to have some errors with the texturing.
Don't think so
distribution of poly's, very high tracks, very low body, while the body is flat in several areas, there are loads of details that could be added, also the edges are quite sharp.
I can't see any immediate issues with the model
Textures and seem to put a lot of work into the tracks and barley any into the tank body.
How would you improve it?10 responses
maybe add some wear and tear or battle scars
You have quite harsh edges in some places, for example the back of the tank. Not sure if you've used subdivision modelling but if not i think you can benefit from it as you would get slightly rounder edges. Maybe work more on the texturing to make it resemble metal more. The scratchy patterns could also do with some refinement but it depends if you're trying to make it look like the tank in the museum or with your own style.
Add more detail to create more curves.
I would add the tow hooks that are on the front of the tank in the image onto your model
I would add loads more details. The details seem off and don't match.
Add some more detail to the back. some screws and such as alphas or on the normal. A different texture as a camo. there appears to be some stretching
more details on the top it seems very plane
add more detail, re-distribute from the tracks and get more detail on the body, use a normal map to get more surface detail like bolts, rivets, welds etc...
I would try add more detail in the rear of the model, as that part feels quite bland in comparison to the front.
Texture to realism not to what you want it to be.
heres a clear view from the top should i add some more of the stuff on top to the model given the fact im at around 15800 polys anyway?10 responses
the extra detail would improve the model
i think you could reduce the poly count on the tracks and add more to the top since you will probably view it from the top in-game.
Yes, more bolts. Grills could be textured.
If you are able to optimse the poly count more then it would make the tank more intersting, but this does depend if you can allow for the polys.
The tracks are too high fence is too high the cannon is possibly over. The barrel breaches and the wheels could have been deleted on the inside. There are a lot of ways to cut polys like on the wheels you ended with tris where quads could have been used.
you could reduce polys by removing some some of the railing or taking off a few of the details on top. Maybe have the cog parts a a normal instead. Maybe even the track could be turned into a basic shape which could have a normal on it.
Yes definitely remove mot of the polys from the treads and add details people can see
yes, as mentioned you need to re-distribute.
If you were to streamline parts of the model, you could add in more detail on the top of the tank
Optimise the tracks as they are an awful lot of detail so you've had to remove loads of details on the rest of the tank.
do the tracks have too much detail and should i save some polygons on them to use on other parts of the tanks?10 responses
The tracks look very good, probably my favourite part of the model. It would be a shame to lose that detail but the rest of the model would benefit from more detail.
see above.
Yes. The tracks could be textured to create the gaps.
The tracks are fairly detailed, however it depends on the optimatsation of them. If you have optimised them well they are fine.
Tracks are too high you could have baked the detail down the center of the tracks.
Yes see above comments.
yes they should be like 1,000 polys max
yes - see above
I feel that the detail on the tank treads is partly useful, though some parts of the detailing wouldn't be noticeable unless you were standing right next to it, such as the connectors between the tread plates.
way to much details remove most if not almost of the tracks details, its a model not going in a game so add more detail into the tank.
what do you think of my diffuse map10 responses
looks good
as mentioned above, it could do with some refinement regarding the scratchy pattern.
It is neat. Some more detailed and sharp textures would improve this and make it seem more realistic and have less of a soft focus.
I think that is looks fine.
Looks ok the textures are super simple, and loads of wasted space.
Lots of space and duplicate items which could be just the one with them stacking on top of each other.
too many blank paces
it should be an albedo, its too hand painted and generic, i would expect more material definition
Some details on this diffuse map could be supplemented within the PBR maps, such as dirt on the underside
Very bland and rushed, Texture in substance painter for better detail and consider the fact the body of the tank needs the most detail on it.
what do you think of my UVs?10 responses
well organised unwrap, looks to have been unwrapped well
It's hard to tell but the part in the top right corner looks a bit cluttered and non-uniformed.
Could the wheels be stacked to save space?
I think there is a lot of parts that you could stack on top of each other to make it easier to texture. There also seems to be a lot of wasted space.
Wasted space could have been overlaid to enlarge and save space.
It needs a lot of improvement. Some duplicate items should be stacked on top of each other. And what is going on in the top right of the image.
too many blank spaces could have been packed tighter
bad, lots of wasted space, could easily be optimised with some stacking, and equally loads of just flatten mapped stuff in the corner that doesn't really make sense.
The UV seems quite clear, though there are a few quite large gaps where parts of the unwrap could be better packed to allow for larger components to allow for more detail within the texture maps.
For the size of the track they are incredibly big compared to the rest of the uv of your tank. If the main focal point is going to be the tracks is it worth actually having a body of the tank, wheres as if it suppose to be a tank overall make the body uvw almost half of the UV space.
any other comments?10 responses
not that i haven't mentioned already. Anna Olsson
Feedback from Amy Lee
Luke Knight
Looks ok the PBR could have functioned better looks rushed with textures. and smoothing groups on the wheels would have helped smoothing.
Ethan Boddy. More time needed on the UV and add some more details to the tank as stated above.
George Lake
while general silhouette is close, to nail the proportions i would try and find a blue print to help with getting the tank more accurate
None. J.Eyre
Take back the amount of polys on the tracks, it makes the rest of the model seem terrible to the general reasoning that you have put so many polys into the tracks.