Tuesday, 9 January 2018

applied modelling feedback evaluation

common themes - need to add more detail, people like the tracks.
i need to optomise the model a lot more and redistribute details round the tank more, i would also like to add more vents, hooks and jerry cans to the model but i ran out of time so instead i focused on getting the model unwrapped and textured and uploaded to sketchfab before the deadline, overall i spent too little time on this due to work wanting me in 5 days a week over christmas, i will have the rest of this term to improve the look of my model and develop my skills, im hoping to learn substance painter to really take my texturing to the next level.

the above issues arose due to the short amount of time i put into it, i also had some issues with sculptris refusing to work so i couldn't easily touch up my maps. learning substance painter will resolve this. the unwrap was pretty poor, i had mistakenly not made the track links references and this wasted a lot of uv space as i had to just quickly flatten unwrap them to save time. if i had more time i would have remade them so that they took about 100th of the space they currently do, allowing other parts of the model to have more uv space and have more detail on things like the main chassis and wheels.

my workflow was create a high poly model, create a low poly version, get the normal and AO maps in xnormal and then creating the albedo metallic, roughness and alpha maps in photoshop.

q1 did it look like the tank in the picture?
mostly yes, a good start

q2 can you see any immediate issues with it?
mostly no but lets face it its dans answer that matters and he said i need to redistribute polygons away from the tracks and onto the rest of the tank.

q3 how would you improve it?
basically make it smoother, add more details and improve the texturing

q4 heres a clear view from the top should i add some more of the stuff on top to the model given the fact im at around 15800 polys anyway?

same response as question 3, free up polys, add more detail

q5 do tracks have too much detail?

yes see q3 and q4

q6 hows my albedo map?
half say it looks fine, i know its rubbish ive gotta fix it.

q7 how were my UVs?

some say fine some say bad, i know its bad as it was rushed. these will be fixed.

q8 anything else?

smoothing groups and stuff ive previously mentioned.

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