Wednesday, 29 November 2017

level design

how to actually design a level:

paraphrased from this video (Credits, 2017)#2

"train the player to play the game, make sure each object and mechanic has a purpose" so basicly a level isnt just a load of randomly plonked objects, they need to have a purpose and they need to get the player from point to point or help them advance intuitively in some way.

risk vs reward
in my level i've tried to locate weapons in different types of locations, i've given the player some poor starting weapons like the bio rifle, firstly because it fits the theme of the level and a water treatment facility would have a lot of bio waste (thats my thinking anyway) and secondly it gives the player another option to fight with instead of the enforcer. the bio rifle is quite a defensive weapon as it allows a player to leave a lot of hazardous goo mines on surfaces so it makes sense to have these near the player spawn so that they can defend it without being overpowered.

for more advanced weapons i've tried to consider what situation the weapon works best in as well as how well it performs generally, for this reason i've put the flak cannon in the sewers as it takes a little bit longer to get to but if you do get it youre in the perfect environment to fight off anyone else who's had the same idea as you due to the fact its very hard to miss someone with the flak cannon in there

also the fact this weapon can shoot a grenade through the sewer openings from below is a very useful feature as well.

when it comes to sniping and looking at the designs of my peers there seems to be a common theme; a high up area that can see pretty much all of the map with incredibly good cover usually positioned at each end of the map, for my level i have changed this significantly to balance the level and stop it becoming a sniping standoff

This sniping position offers some great combat advantages being able to cover the middle of the warehouse but at the same time blocking off some of the enterences so that players can advance and take the sniper out from the side, this combined with the fact that its in the middle of both bases gives either team equal chances to camp and snipe.

Lightning rifle

this has a similar concept to the sniper rifle, its in the middle and both teams have access to it, though its a little harder to get to and if you want to snipe players from near its spawn location youre going to have to move around a lot more as you can only really see about a quater of the interior at a time due to the enclosed walkways cutting off vision. this area is super exposed so ive put the sheild belt as well as some health pickups to let this sniper last a little longer. if the same team has both of these sniper locations they pretty much have the whole of the interior covered.

the minigun placement is designed as a sort of overwatch type of area, its high rate of fire and from this location usually long engagement distance makes it a good suppression weapon. the weakness of this position is from the sides, both teams have jump pad access to the minigun platform as well as surprise roof attacks which again makes it balanced.

the redeemer is proberly the most time consuming weapon to get, for good reason as its the most powerful, as you have to either teleport from behind the sniper tower or venture up the chimneys and onto the jump pads where there is then the danger of falling into toxic gunk. should the player get the redeemer they then fall through the tube and back into the action where they can make quick work of the enemy team. having this tube gets the player back into the action quickly rather than running for another 10 seconds after firing it.

rocket launcher

i've tried to put this in a pretty open location as its very hard to lock on to players close to you, from this location you can peek over the roof and fire or quickly hop down and use the single shot mode for closer attacks

there are a few other weapons scattered about such as the link gun, shock rifle and grenade launcher, these dont really have much in the way of strategic locations and were added to give the player an option with gameplay and to fill in some empty space.

overall my main design inspiration for this level was choices, each side has about 6 routes a player can take and switch between, whether its jump padding to the minigun area and switching to the metal covered walkway or heading straight through the middle and jumping down a sewer hole this level has always had "the illusion of choice"  (credits, 2017) which is giving the players as much freedom as possible but still binding them to a path

credits, e. (2017). [image] Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov. 2017].

Credits, E #2. (2017). [video] Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov. 2017].

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

level feedback v3

last playtest of the level and last chance to get some peer feedback
What is your name ?9 responses
James E
Ethan Boddy
Michael Bradbeer
Anna Olsson
did you manage to use advanced techniques to reach secrets? (wall running, crouch sliding ect)9 responses
Didn't find them
No, I didnt see anywhere to do this.
Only a little, some seemed a bit out of the way
I didn't but I did notice them
No nothing like that. I used jump pads.
No as there is a way to bypass the whole level using the side paths and the jump pad
Didn't attempt it but i found you could reach most places with the help of the translocator
No, since items like the redeemer don't retire them
is the level balance the same on both sides?9 responses
Seems to be balanced
For the most part yes.
It felt correct
Yeah both sides were fine.
not really as the level can all be bypass
Yes, the bases are symmetrical and both paths in the centre are good for running.
were jump pads effective and did they give you good access to new areas?9 responses
Jump pads worked fine, easy to use
I think they were good, although I didnt make the jump once.
Yes, jump pads had enough force to get you to where you needed to be
not really theres a brick wall that looks like I should be able to get in the corridor behin it
Yes they seemed to work correctly
They worked well and helped the flow of the level.
They broke the level as you could bypass the whole place
it felt like the jump pad didnt launch you far enough, i kept bumping the edge on less i didnt move at all whilst in the air
Yes the side jump pads were good for reaching new areas
was flag placement and player spawn placement good or bad and why?9 responses
The flag is vulnerable from one side, but is the same for both teams so works well
I think it was good, although the flag still feels easy to obtain.
The player spawn inside of the building seemed like it had no weapons immediately by it, while the spawn outside had two weapons by it.
nope I want cover so I can defend the flag or hide when both teams have the flag
maybe out the flag in the centre at the back
The flag placement was good I have always liked them. I could spawn camp however easily.
Bad as you could literally go one way to another
it felt like you were spawn right in the middle of everything, very easy to get killed right after spawning
Now that the flags are at the opposite end to the jumppads its much bette.
Were the weapon choices appropriate for their locations and did you find them useful8 responses
weapon choice works well
I would say all of them were apart from the bio rifle at the start. It didnt seem to fit the location.
Yes, the weapons felt appropriately positioned and well spread out, though some next to the inside spawn would be better
yes but they were annoying guns hate the bio rifle
yes but I still find the biorifle irritating and a little pointless for the size of this area
Yeah they was good and could always find them.
Bio rifle seems pointless in placement, replace with link guns
a lot of long range weapons a part from the flak cannon
How easy is it to find the power ups?8 responses

123450123450 (0%)1 (12.5%)4 (50%)1 (12.5%)2 (25%)
What do you think of the levels aesthetics?8 responses
Level looks nice, the darker areas suit the theme of the map
I think it looked nice, though some random objects in the map. I dont see the point in the barrels.
It looked good and appropriately textured.
they work
Yeah worked well, maybe get it so the sewer area flows better all seemed to flow in one direction if thats not possible make it still and stagnant.
They looked good a few meshes I could walk though.
Seems pointless and you can break through the map
i think it works really well, i did like the sewers the most. The green light fit really well. i also like the random splashes on water that was on the ground.
How good is the weapon selection?9 responses

123450123451 (11.1%)1 (11.1%)4 (44.4%)3 (33.3%)0 (0%)
Are imported objects and scenart aestheticly pleasing?9 responses
Map looks nice
Yes, I would change the mesh under the redeemer.
I guess so didn't notice it much
Yes some issues with the tube part and the surrounding square area having gaps
Yeah was fine a few weird aspects of the textures I liked the look of the sewers
Seems pointless and you can break through the map
Yes they fit the level well
is the level improved from the last version?9 responses

Seems the sameUnfortunately no as you…Yeah good improvements.YesYes the improvements to…Yes, though I didnt explo…yesyes especial…
Seems the same1
Unfortunately no as you have gone back1
Yeah good improvements.1
Yes the improvements tot the centre area with stairs and meshes really make the level better.1
Yes, though I didnt explore the underground area because I only found one entrance to it.1
yes especially the lighting1
How big was the level?9 responses

1234501234560 (0%)2 (22.2%)6 (66.7%)1 (11.1%)0 (0%)
Could you accidentally fall off or escape the level? (in an unexpected way)9 responses

Where there any invisible/unexpected walls ?9 responses

Did you find the levels easy to navigate?9 responses

123456789100123450 (0%)1 (11.1%)0 (0%)0 (0%)2 (22.2%)2 (22.2%)4 (44.4%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Was the level to the correct scale?9 responses
yes (2)
As far as I found yes.
In the areas I went it felt fine
Yeah worked fine and the scale was good.
Level was to the correct scale
yes a apart from the jump pad
Yes the rooms and hallways were large enough to fit multiple players in without problems and they weren't too big
Did you find any Bugs/Glitches/Glaring Issues with the Level?9 responses
No (2)
no (2)
Didn't find any
Not that I found.
the side platform in the middle floats, it is also a little dark.
Not to my knowledge where the redeemer was I couldn't enter the pipe was just floating. Also I could use a jump pad and trans-locate so I was falling forever.
The flag placement is terrible, sewers seems pointless, poor U-damage and redeemer placement. Problems with broken chimneys and the objects being moved seemed to add extra lag to the level. Also if your gonna make people use the side passage, remove the jump pad to the roof.
How would you improve the level?8 responses
Make a sensible way of getting the redeemer. I dont think the metal bridge at the top is useful because there is nothing up there. Also, I was able to use the jump pad by the flag and then walk along the wall to skip most of the map.
Add/move weapon spawns so there are more by respawn locations
make the spawn and flag more covered
I would make the side area just jump to the platform then only able to get into the middle of the map rather than being able to run on the little ledge.
I would make the flow for UDamage and the redeemer easier. The sewers were not used unless you fell in them. they don't add anything.
Remove the jump pad on the side of the building to get to the roof, move the flag placement. Is the roof area really necessary?
maybe make the spawn area a bit safer but other than that and the jump pad it was pretty well
I think adding more to the roof section would make it more interesting.