Thursday, 16 November 2017

level feedback V2

What is your name ?11 responses
James E
Ethan Boddy
Anna Olsson
Dan Tyler
was health easy to find and use11 responses
The was plenty of health in t…YeahYesYes, I found it quite easilyYes, i found the amount and l…Yes, many locationsno - as I'm incl…01234561 (9.1%)1 (9.1%)5(45.5%)1 (9.1%)1 (9.1%)1 (9.1%)1 (9.1%)
The was plenty of health in the level and easy to find1
Yes, I found it quite easily1
Yes, i found the amount and locations well balanced1
Yes, many locations1
no - as I'm including Armour in this - remove the timer to pickup, you never want to have to stop in unreal it doesn't make sense1
did you manage to use advanced techniques to reach secrets? (wall running, crouch sliding ect)11 responses
Didnt find themNo i can't say that i…No seemed too out…No, I couldn't find t…Nope could not fin…SlidingYes wall running w…Yes with some loc…no as i consatnly d…no i didn't… (18.2%)1(9.1%)1(9.1%)1(9.1%)1(9.1%)
Didnt find them1
No i can't say that i tried, was a bit difficult to see because it was so dark1
No seemed too out of the way I'd rather run through the middle its faster1
No, I couldn't find them or felt that they were too far out the way1
Nope could not find any1
Yes wall running was very useful1
Yes with some locations, but I may have missed out on some1
no as i consatnly died1
no i didn't, or at least i didn't get any secrets1
is the level balance the same on both sides?11 responses
From what I found yes
kinda but it meant that if you spawned in the sewers you died instantly
It felt like it
Since the map is symmetrical, yes
Unsure would have been easier to see with a switch. I presume so however.
The level seemed to have a good balance
yes, they felt balanced
I would say it was pretty equal.
were jump pads effective and did they give you good access to new areas?11 responses
Yes but I did fall into the water a few times using them
I only found one jump pad and it seemed fine
yes but sometimes i flew into the water rather then the intended destination
The ones I used yes
Yes the Jump pads were useful and gave good movement around the map
No there was an annoying one that bounced me up the middle and I got no where. The main ones down the flanks are good though.
Failed the jump from the flag base to the big platform in the middle a couple of times landing in the water although this was maybe my own fault
I didn't really use any jump pads, I couldn't really find my way up to the upper levels.
yes they worked as before
kind of but again they were out of the way and useless
was flag placement and player spawn placement good or bad and why?11 responses
I think the flags being on the same half made it easier to score.
It was good, far better than last time
bad it mad it to easy to get one flag to another
maybe make the flag more central to the area rather than near the jump pad
I think that the flags should be on the other side of the platforms since they are right next to the jump pads.
flag placements are really good. The spawn in the sewer I hated.
Slightly annoying spawning in the sewer as both team seemed to spawn there
Maybe a bit too open considering it was so close to the spawn, you could see the other players spawn as you tried to grab their flag. Maybe close off their spawn a bit more?
player spawn, just have in the bases, in the sewer was too unprotected and unfair, flag was ok, but having it diagonally opposite would encourage more movement around the level
flags were much too tricky too defend since you could jump pad instantly and there was one bit of cover
Were the weapon choices appropriate for their locations and did you find them useful11 responses
Yes (3)
the ones on the roof seemed pointless
they felt fine, maybe use link gun though rather than Bio rifle for the starting weapons
Yes the lightning rifle was very useful but the sniper tower was not very useful at all
The weapons were nicely placed always had a weapon.
I found the weapons a bit lacking when spawning down the sewers. I found myself running back to the base in order to get a decent weapon quick.
bio rifle as a starter isn't very nice, flak canon is hard to get too, and so is rocket launcher, you have to go quite far out of your way to get weapons sometimes
there weren't any nearby weapons when you spawn in the sewer and the riffle gun at spawn should probably be a link gun
How easy is it to find the power ups?11 responses
1234501234561 (9.1%)1 (9.1%)1 (9.1%)5 (45.5%)3 (27.3%)
How easy are the in game routes to navigate?11 responses
1234501234560 (0%)2 (18.2%)3 (27.3%)5 (45.5%)1 (9.1%)
How good is the weapon selection?11 responses
123450123451 (9.1%)2 (18.2%)2 (18.2%)4 (36.4%)2 (18.2%)
Are imported objects and scenart aestheticly pleasing?11 responses
Can't say i payed mu…Mostly yesThe level looks niceYeah the level looks…YesYes they areits difficult to say as a…yesyes, they s… (18.2%)1(9.1%)1(9.1%)2 (18.2%)1(9.1%)
Can't say i payed much attention too it at this point, spent most of my time inside where it was too dark to see anything anyways. But things such as the water etc looked good.1
Mostly yes1
The level looks nice1
Yeah the level looks nice.1
Yes they are1
its difficult to say as a lot was too dark for me to be able to tell1
yes, they seemed to fit with it1
is the level improved from the last version?11 responses
Yeah for sure.YesYes but now there a re di…Yes the main issues hav…Yes, mostly due to not b…yesyes very much soyes, but still…01231 (9.1%)3(27.3%)1(9.1%)1(9.1%)1(9.1%)2(18.2%)1(9.1%)1 (9.1%)
Yeah for sure.1
Yes but now there a re different issues1
Yes the main issues have been fixed1
Yes, mostly due to not being able to run on top of the wall anymore. I'd say rather than adding a bunch of different paths make sure that you have some basic lighting first, just change it later if you so wish.1
yes very much so1
yes, but still has issues1
How big was the level?11 responses
12345024680 (0%)1 (9.1%)7 (63.6%)3 (27.3%)0 (0%)
Could you accidentally fall off or escape the level? (in an unexpected way)11 responses
Where there any invisible/unexpected walls ?11 responses
Did you find the levels easy to navigate?11 responses
1234567891001230 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)1(9.1%)1(9.1%)3 (27.3%)3 (27.3%)2 (18.2%)0 (0%)1(9.1%)
Was the level to the correct scale?11 responses
Yes (4)
yes (2)
yes the areas felt correct
Yes the rooms and hallways were good sized
Yeah seems massive but works well didn't get stuck and flow was not broken.
It felt correct to scale
It seemed correct, but elements where quite big and empyty
Did you find any Bugs/Glitches/Glaring Issues with the Level?11 responses
No (3)
no (2)
none that I found
no I did not find any
get rid of the Armour timer, its ridiculous for reasons stated above
No lighting in one section makes it too tricky to move and its easy to get lost also the sewers are tricky to get out of
How would you improve the level?11 responses
Add more in the sewers, like a hidden room with a power up and more hidden pathways
I would remove the timer on the armour, slowed the pace of the game. Also it was not clear how I got above to the bridge.
Add more lights throughout the map so that you can see more clearly
change the flag destination, move the udamage to the sewers, remove the spawn point in the sewers, make the roof more relevent if you want people to go up there
make it so you cant spawn in the sewers, make the spawn areas safer
Remove sewer spawn
I would make the U damage more reachable.
Slightly dark in areas although I guess thats what you were aiming for, sewers are confusing to navigate, maybe add some lighting to these areas
I'm not sure if you need all the different levels, it felt a bit too big as i barely used those paths cause it didn't feel like it was worth the risk.
kill off the roof area its unnecessary, it doesn't really fall in the flow of the level, and the only reason to get up there is the rocket launcher, and if you aren't being shot at the redeemer, LIGHTING - needs a fair bit or work, make sure you can see everything then lower it to add ambiance or use post processing volumes to change the colour in certain areas

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