blockout peer testing
after player peer testing an obvious promlem was made clear to me in my level, by the minigun spawn a player was able to wall run across the side of the factory and reach the other teams base very easily, this was a massive oversight on my part and i will redesign the level to remove this design bug. the players also didnt like the chimney aspect of my level so i shall alter them to not act like giant cannons with the jump pads and have them collapsing instead.
blockout peer feedback:
What is your name ?11 responses
was health easy to find and use11 responses
Mostly positive results from the class about finding health, when designing the level i have tried to put health behind cover to allow and encourage the player to retreat.
Did you manage to use advanced techniques to reach secrets? (wall running, crouch sliding ect)10 responses
Did you manage to use advanced techniques to reach secrets? (wall running, crouch sliding ect)10 responses
The results were about 50/50 here i think due to a major design flaw that i didn't pick up in testing which was being able to wall run off the middle platform right to the enemy base. i will rectify this by increasing the gap so its impossible to get over to the other side.
is the level balance the same on both sides?11 responses
is the level balance the same on both sides?11 responses
overwhelming positive response, no change needed
were jump pads effective and did they give you good access to new areas?11 responses
were jump pads effective and did they give you good access to new areas?11 responses
The jump pads need some work, im thinking of removing the chimney launching system as it was clunky and made it hard to get to the roof without taking damage and to get the redeemer you had to do a pretty specific jump in the air to get it. players didnt find the redeemer so i need to make it easier to get.
was flag placement and player spawn placement good or bad and why?11 responses
was flag placement and player spawn placement good or bad and why?11 responses
The flag placement was poor in this mostly due to the wall running bug which made it super easy to get, also a player could be shot from the central platform and this lead to camping.
Were the weapon choices appropriate for their locations and did you find them useful11 responses
Were the weapon choices appropriate for their locations and did you find them useful11 responses
Weapon placement was generally good but i tweaked it a little and included the link gun in the middle of the map.
How easy is it to find the power ups?11 responses
How easy is it to find the power ups?11 responses
This seems pretty good as no one said 5 so they're not too easy to find.
How easy are the in game routes to navigate?11 responses
How easy are the in game routes to navigate?11 responses
The results from this question are skewed due to the wall running bug, fixing the bug will yield usable data.
How good is the weapon selection?11 responses
How good is the weapon selection?11 responses
it could be better, i'll add some more weapon locations.
How big was the level?11 responses
How big was the level?11 responses
this is a pretty decent result, no one felt the level was way out of proportion.
Could you accidentally fall off or escape the level? (in an unexpected way)11 responses
Could you accidentally fall off or escape the level? (in an unexpected way)11 responses
I found the bug with this, the kill z volume height was too small so if the player was travelling fast enough they would simply pass through it between frames.
Where there any invisible/unexpected walls ?11 responses
Where there any invisible/unexpected walls ?11 responses
Did you find the levels easy to navigate?11 responses
I think i need to simplify some routes judging by this feedback, this includes changing the way the sewers work and the roof access to make them more navigable.
Was the level to the correct scale?11 responses
Was the level to the correct scale?11 responses
Lots of yes' which is good, there were a few simple bsp issues that can be rectified in the next build.
Did you find any Bugs/Glitches/Glaring Issues with the Level?11 responses
Did you find any Bugs/Glitches/Glaring Issues with the Level?11 responses
How would you improve the level?11 responses
All these points have been raised and will be acted upon for the next playtest, my main thing to do is to remove the wall running bug, fix some volumes and change the chimney launcher mechanic.
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